LSD has helped us

LSD has helped us win four Nobel Prizes, create the Internet, Unix and BSD operating systems, the digital infrastructure of the electrical and communications grid and scientific and engineering platforms, and Apple and Microsoft personal computers.

It has helped us discover both the composition of our very DNA and multiply it, unlock psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety and schizophrenia, cure migraines and cluster headaches for up to a year with a single application, cure methamphetamine addiction, cure alcoholism, cure childhood autism, and at less-than-psychedelic doses, and with a thousand times less material, it has lasted longer and is more effective than synthetic opiates in the treatment of pain.

It has opened new avenues of spiritual insight and understanding for millions, evolving human consciousness and enhancing creativity to accelerate the arts of music, cinema, medicine, photography, painting, architecture, literature, dance, nutrition, and invention. It helped divert the United States from using more oppressive mechanisms of control by catalyzing racial, gender, and economic reforms into a lasting impact during the mid-20th century.

Discovered by serendipity at the same time in our history as the atomic bomb. Soon classified as a compound considered illegitimate for human use, even though it comes from natural sources, is non-toxic and non-addictive.

In its crystalline form it is luminescent, and under a microscope looks like how one may experience it inner-visually.

LSD has been known to cause mental problems in people who have never taken LSD.

The experience of LSD completes the hemispheric energetic manifestation of the human body and mind, dekeratinizing the crystalline myofascial integrations of personal history and amplifying bioelectric transmission, facilitating a transformative space of body and a transpersonal mode of thought, whereby one can initiate new ways of attaining meaning, purpose and happiness.

It allows one to know of this mystery through a lens that cannot be seen, because it begins at the very core of the human being’s interface with the world, perception availed to the numinous, open to the aboriginal essence of self, illuminating the mission of our animal code and the destiny of the human race.

"How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such a fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain experience itself anything less than a god ?"

There are no formative series of events, no intellectual rationale, no admixture of literature and sharp knowledges, that would allow the human being to finally feel the simultaneous culmination of self-realizing integration that one is unique, relative, embodied, creative, spirit, animal and divine.

This qualia makes it intimate and sacred, because it impresses upon the person a new genre of feeling that is unlike anything heretofore expressed from the self, and in a duration that is completely foreign to the usual cognitive modes and spectacular imprints of daily life.

When the world that you roll with your feet is no longer a labyrinthine sphere, we just may find that the simplicity of life is in the full presence of living our lives and on this land one thrives in this walk with knowledge and love.

You are more than you know and we are stronger than they say. You are marvelous. You are alive. You are eternal.


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