LSD Experience
12:40 AM: Took 25 mcg. D-Lysergic acid diethyl amide base in
lactose trituration.
1:00: Very faint sense of anxiousness, but no palpable symptoms.
Believe symptoms imagined, LSD not working.
2:05: First definite sensation, certainty regarding effectiveness of
dose. Feelings (which to now have been imagined) have become real.
Colors seem very slightly brighter.
3:00: Height of syndrome. Feeling of physical euphoria very
pronounced. Dreamy, withdrawn state, which can easily be broken.
Body tense and alert, periphery of vision narrowed.
4:30: Physical feeling still maintained, although psychic effects
probably waning. Poetry (T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets) seems to have
much more intense meaning. Have been hearing music in mind, but
much more palpable than usual “daydreaming”.
4:50: Effects definitely subsiding, though sensations still quite
tangible (Have experienced no hallucinations on small dose.)
6:00: Feel quite normal, except for slight numb sensation and a light
cold sweat. Took 25 mg. Thorazine orally.
8:30: Quite normal; visitors. Occasionally, tendency to suddenly
withdraw into self, feel recaptured mood of tranquil bliss. Once,
flowered pattern on wallpaper seemed to be a real garden, as in a
mille-fleur tapestry, although it was not in any way distorted. Nerves
tense, but not uncomfortable.
lactose trituration.
1:00: Very faint sense of anxiousness, but no palpable symptoms.
Believe symptoms imagined, LSD not working.
2:05: First definite sensation, certainty regarding effectiveness of
dose. Feelings (which to now have been imagined) have become real.
Colors seem very slightly brighter.
3:00: Height of syndrome. Feeling of physical euphoria very
pronounced. Dreamy, withdrawn state, which can easily be broken.
Body tense and alert, periphery of vision narrowed.
4:30: Physical feeling still maintained, although psychic effects
probably waning. Poetry (T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets) seems to have
much more intense meaning. Have been hearing music in mind, but
much more palpable than usual “daydreaming”.
4:50: Effects definitely subsiding, though sensations still quite
tangible (Have experienced no hallucinations on small dose.)
6:00: Feel quite normal, except for slight numb sensation and a light
cold sweat. Took 25 mg. Thorazine orally.
8:30: Quite normal; visitors. Occasionally, tendency to suddenly
withdraw into self, feel recaptured mood of tranquil bliss. Once,
flowered pattern on wallpaper seemed to be a real garden, as in a
mille-fleur tapestry, although it was not in any way distorted. Nerves
tense, but not uncomfortable.