LSD Experience

2:10 PM: Took 50 mcg. LSD (Had previously (9 AM) taken 10 mg.

3:05: Euphoric sensation in calves of legs. Suddenly noticed a beauty
in the sky that I had long forgotten. A cloud formation recalled some
distant notion of adventure. No color changes.

3:15: Increasing euphoria; slight color brightening; withdrawal
feeling beginning; slight narrowing of vision.

3:20: Sharpened senses; all stimuli magnified somewhat. Imagination
seems very strong and vivid.

3:25: I feel as if my soul were coming alive again for the first time
in long, grey months. Mind working as it used to, years ago! All
perceptions clear, unperturbed, bright and satisfying. Some inner,
secret part of mind is active once more. All miseries and boredom of
past year seem to be melting away.

3:40: Hyperreflexia in calves and abdomen. Transient tremors in
hands. Great lumbar-thoracic stimulation. Mind calm, withdrawn.

4:00 to 4:15: Lay back and relaxed, with eyes closed. At first noted
nothing in visual field; gradually, purely mental thoughts began to
assume tangible shapes and forms; soon, was “daydreaming” very
vividly, with amazing series of plastic images melting one into the
other. All colors very delicate and luminous, yet not so eidetically
acute as to render them physically palpable. Mostly transparent
fantasies of the mind, which remained at a thought level. Almost
unbelievably productive, yet illusive. Saw gleaming white thighs of
beautiful women; descended into slime of visceral, internal cavities,
all red and wet, warm and palpitating, like child in womb. People
come and go like pale, shimmering ghosts.
4:30: Very dreamy, withdrawn feeling. Slight visual distortions,
which are novel and interesting.

4:40: Took 300 mg. niacin-amide.

4:45: Went out doors—suddenly emerging into a world of unbelievable
splendor and beauty. Colors so dazzling, fresh, and meaningful, as if
had entered into a new dimension of existence. A bed of flowers
so breathtakingly lovely that words do not describe them: brilliant
jewels on dark green velvet. Walked to intersection; hustle and bustle
of American life suddenly assumed visionary proportions: violent
motion on all sides, terrible noise. Still, all colors have new values. I
see everywhere new and breathtaking combinations of subtle beauty
and delicacy.

5:00: Sitting atop a rolling field of grass, like livid emeralds at my
feet. The great bowl of hills beneath blue sky is etched in supreme
clarity, palpable with the warm tones of brown and purple, serene and
calm beyond description. Scene recalls day many years ago in South:
a warm, spring evening, the fresh scent of earth rising in the air, all
pervaded with exquisite longing and poetry. Every color, perfume, and
touch of breeze is animated with new life, perceptiveness, the return
of spring in autumn, in no sense elegiac, but happy, affirmative, and
altogether unexpected. How wonderful to be sitting here once again,
watching the sun go down, knowing that earth had a pain made itself
conscious in which I am benign toward earth like a careless bird! Sun
and soil are rejoicing in my awareness!

5:25: The moment of sun’s departure! Like a religious act. The
mystery of Being spreading through the sky like a great drama. At the
instant of last illumination, all colors suddenly changed: transparent
whites and browns, ghost-like beneath my feet. In the far west,
arising in vaporous light, there shimmer! The world of my childhood
longing . . . that forgotten land of Celtic and Oriental dreaming, all
peach-misted and suspended in the realm of Light.
To 6:15: I have been walking through the Garden of Eden these last
hours . . . or have they been minutes? I left the high lawn and began to
walk home. Gazing upon a field of uttermost enchantment, I suddenly
realized that this was an erstwhile rubbish heap, now transformed
into exquisite surfaces and textures, rich in their own essential being!
Behind me lay the mountains, still pink at the top with jewel-like
sunlight. My attention was so arrested that I had to turn back and
walk toward them, knowing that a veil had been torn from my sight
and that I was seeing them in primal, perfect clarity! There was no
distortion or intoxication about this; only the knowledge of clear
vision, undisturbed and clean, overwhelmed by the beauty of the
sight seen in stark reality for the first time. I turned down a side street
and began to wander where my fancy took me—enchanted on every
side by unexpected glimpses of paradise. Here, a violet rooftop; there,
a blaze of luminous flowers; there, a mass of green against a glowing
evening sky. The sense of life pulsing everywhere was satisfying and
organically stimulating. Human happiness seemed to express itself as
I had not perceived it since childhood. At the bottom of the road, the
older trees pressed in like a primordial forest of vivid gold, sammet,
and jade, magically moved by lukewarm draughts of air. The green
and blazing autumn fluorescence had now assumed another aspect,
heightened by the novelty of recreated childlike wonderment, which
I absolutely and fully possessed. Overhead and on each side was a
virtual orgy of sensuous impressions: streetlamps seen in the dusk
as solitary, luminescent gems in the trees, and mysterious objects
glowing in thousands of darkened recesses, under a somber-burning
sky. At one moment, a manor house appeared out of some old
English novel, and then, a Southern mansion, with white columns
and portico gleaming in pure alabaster. Every garden, every grove of
trees seemed to be a corner of a re-created Eden-world, so palpably
alive that my sight could only riot drunkenly from one unbelievable
scene to another. My body was light? and my movements, effortless,
as I was drawn down street after street, unable to resist each charming
new beauty which unfolded before me. A garden of castor-vines
became a tropical forest, hung with phosphorescent jewels: Every
scent and tactile sensation was powerfully magnified, in consequence
of the vision I possessed, so that nothing was withheld from this
unimaginable feast of the senses. I felt immense pity for the few
solitary persons who passed me, who could never know what beauties
I beheld. How magnificent to have the Veil of Pan torn from my
eyes; to see unspeakable loveliness in every color, surface, shape, and
texture, all drunkenly outdoing each other in pristine intensity; and
to be wandering as a child enchanted, seeing the very heart of Being
with pure, unadorned delight, intoxicated with sheer pleasure! This
drug must be reclassified as a soul-energizer!

6:30: Home, in living room. The deep red drapes are alive with
fire and motion. German folk-songs on phonograph overwhelm me
with emotion, as if I could scarce endure them. Have no trouble
communicating, but withdrawal and somatic feelings still deep.
Taking 50 mg. Thorazine and tea, the latter producing a rich,
warm sensation of joy and contentment. Leaving for town in car;
concentration seems adequate.

Later: Ate more than usual; sensations rapidly abated. No muscular
tension this time, as experienced almost universally before.


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