
Showing posts with the label Timothy leary

Turn on Tune In Drop Out

1. The Purpose of Life is Religious Discovery That intermediate manifestation of the Divine Process which we call the DNA Code has spent the last  two-billion years making this planet a Garden of Eden. An intricate web has been woven, a delicate  fabric of chemical-electrical-seed-tissue-organism-species. A dancing joyous harmony of energy transactions is rooted in the 12 inches of topsoil which covers the rock metal fire core of this planet.  Into this Garden of Eden each human being is born perfect. We were all born Divine mutants, the  DNA Code's best answer to joyful survival on this planet. An exquisite package for adaptation based  on 2 billion years of consumer research (RNA) and product design (DNA).  But each baby, although born perfect, immediately finds himself in an imperfect, artificial,  disharmonious social system which systematically robs him of his divinity.  And the social systems - where did they come from? Individua...