
Showing posts with the label Eugene Seaich

Psychedelic Awareness

   Psychedelics have been of such importance in my life. LSD helped me to feel more serene on an everyday basis. It enhanced my ability to improve emotional reactions to difficult situations. My veiws  converge with that of my grandfather who wrote: "During the psychedelic experience, one is frequently obliged to undergo such an encounter with the naked soul, robbed of its “outer-directed” pretensions and driven by the need to rationally cope with the material released from the inner consciousness. The nature of this encounter necessarily varies with the subject, but since one’s visions are but projections of the self, the self is inevitably forced to evaluate its own image, resulting in varying degrees of apprehension. Anxieties, fears, practiced deceits, and neurotic habits, all emerge under a powerful magnifying lens, along with the illusions that constitute one’s appraisal of reality. To be brought face to face with one’s own defects may be a terrifying experience, bu...

LSD Research By Eugene Seaich

Durin g the late fifties there was also a growing interest amongst the intelligentsia for the newly discovered drugs LSD and Mescaline. Writers like Aldous Huxely had begun to describe the remarkableeffects which these chemicals of the brain, producing visions of beauty which he likened to beholding "The first morning of creation". The newspapers were also filled with accounts of famous personalities like Kary Grant, who had experimented successfully with them, and who reported their beneficial effects. Indeed, at the time, these substances were entirely legal, and no one tried to conceal them: and since the hippies had not yet discovered them, they were used solely by the educated and scientifically oriented.  Five of my colleagues and I thuds decided to contribute ten dollars each toward the purchase of 100 milligrams of LSD from K@K laboratories in New York City. When our tiny package arrived in the mail---in a vial no larger than a pencil stub---we took it to the chemist...