
Showing posts with the label drugs the far-Off Land

Original pages From The Far-Off Land

The Far-Off Land   (9 photos) It has seemed to me that the well-established properties of the hallucinogenic drugs might be well employed to enable us to explore this far-off land, which is in effect our subconscious mind. Were we to learn its secrets, we would better understand our own desires and the motives that drive us through life. Still better, the secrets of human history would perhaps be discovered as the eternal patterns of imagination that have shaped our spiritual existence. But, perhaps most  ... See More

Operation Midnight Climax: How the CIA Dosed S.F. Citizens with LSD

It's been over 50 years, but  Wayne Ritchie says he can still remember how it felt to be dosed with acid. He was drinking bourbon and soda with other federal officers at a holiday party in 1957 at the  U.S. Post Office  Building on Seventh and Mission streets. They were cracking jokes and swapping stories when, suddenly, the room began to spin. The red and green lights on the Christmas tree in the corner spiraled wildly. Ritchie's body temperature rose. His gaze fixed on the dizzying colors around him. The deputy U.S. marshal excused himself and went upstairs to his office, where he sat down and drank a glass of water. He needed to compose himself. But instead he came unglued. Ritchie feared the other marshals didn't want him around anymore. Then he obsessed about the probation officers across the hall and how they didn't like him, either. Everyone was out to get him . Ritchie felt he had to escape. He fled to his apartment and sought comfort from his live-in...

If your against LSD throw away your all your Beatles music! And BTW LSD is not a gateway drug and in non addictive have you even heard of LSD anonymous have you?


Psychedelics and Religion

' Despite the draconian view that most contemporary societies have on mind-altering drugs, whether natural or synthetic, there has always been a religious undercurrent around the world that takes them seriously as a conduit to deep spiritual insight and encounters with the holy. This is the religious - and highly ambiguous - legacy left by two LSD pioneers who died within the past two weeks. Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann - who discovered LSD in 1938 - died on April 29, at the age of 102; US psycho-pharmacologist Murray Jarvik - one of the first to study the drug's chemical properties and their mind-altering effects - passed away last Thursday. Both experimented with the drug and vouched for its religious significance. Having lost or severed any connections with natural psychoactive plants, it is not surprising that it took a synthetic drug for the modern industrialised world to retrieve a psychoactive connection with the holy. In her popular book A History of God, the historia...

LSD and Psychedelic Drugs

Despite the draconian view that most contemporary societies have on mind-altering drugs, whether natural or synthetic, there has always been a religious undercurrent around the world that takes them seriously as a conduit to deep spiritual insight and encounters with the holy. This is the religious - and highly ambiguous - legacy left by two LSD pioneers who died within the past two weeks. Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann - who discovered LSD in 1938 - died on April 29, at the age of 102; US psycho-pharmacologist Murray Jarvik - one of the first to study the drug's chemical properties and their mind-altering effects - passed away last Thursday. Both experimented with the drug and vouched for its religious significance. Having lost or severed any connections with natural psychoactive plants, it is not surprising that it took a synthetic drug for the modern industrialised world to retrieve a psychoactive connection with the holy. In her popular book A History of God, the histori...

(96) Psychedelic Review

(96) Psychedelic Review : By the revelations of psychotropic medicine, leading to a more fundamental view of human experience than Freudian psychology has hitherto supplied. The anxiety and rootlessness of modern life will be seen to be the result of inner barrenness, created by the frustration of our subconscious needs in a predominantly rational society. Empty utilitarianism, deprived of poetic faith, forces the sensitive being to reject reality, since reality is devoid of the emotional appeal that it formerly enjoyed. Man is a creature whose necessity is to dream; when the individual, or the race as a whole, is frustrated of its inner vision, it must suffer as when deprived of material health. Human beings are nostalgic for the fulfillment of their primordial Life. Their anxiety is not the result of fear, since modern life is more secure than ever before, but of the loss of inner destiny, of the devitalization of the illusions revealed in the yearnings of myth and poetry. ...

(99) The Curious world of Psychedelics and their friends.

(99) The Curious world of Psychedelics and their friends. : "I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal - alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all - are legal, and the drugs that might open your mind up to realise how you're being fucked every day of your life? Those drugs are against the law. Coincidence? See, I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, cos I took 'em one time, you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours, going, 'My God, I love everything.' Yeah, now if that isn't a hazard to our countries...How are we gonna justify arms dealing if we know we're all one? Bill Hicks" 'via Blog this'

American “materialism” is in actual fact a form of idealism

American “materialism” is in actual fact a form of idealism, which seeks to make commerce and gadgetry a spiritual achievement. It avers that life has somehow become more meaningful because of the perfection of our machines. Such an ideal, however, is an ultimate denial of life, for machines can only implement the prior values that life itself possesses. Therefore, to equate life with mechanical progress is to abstract experience into a kind of intellectual propaganda. Material advantages, elevated to mental symbols, become spiritual objectives, insidiously usurping the genuine values of the blood and soil. Ironically, material objects are no longer regarded by the “materialist” as pristine material objects, but are transformed into philosophical, moral, social, or mental values. Experience becomes entangled in concepts, and man is enslaved by a misguided, machine-oriented idealism.  All we have gained the machine threatens, so long As it makes bold to exist in the spirit i...

(31) Psychedelic Movement

(31) Psychedelic Movement : 'via Blog this' Mission To Start back up the Psychedelic Movement, So they can be used for medicinal, spiritual, self help, cure mental illness, decriminalize psychedelic use and end the drug war and free us from the bonds of big business, big pharma, and the evolution of consciousness. All to benefit humanity. Description To Start back up the Psychedelic Movement, So they can be used for medicinal, spiritual, self help, cure mental illness, decriminalize psychedelic use and end the drug war and free us from the bonds of big business, big pharma, and the evolution of consciousness. All to benefit humanity A Group of Psychonauts, Dr.s, psychologist,,anthropologist, Artist,Truth\ seekers, and advocates for psychedelics to come to spread there knowledge and to help change General Information A Group of Psychonauts, Dr.s, psychologist,,anthropologist, Artist,Truth\ seekers, and advocates for psychedelics to come to spread there knowledge and to he...

(96) The Curious world of Psychedelics and their friends.

Our Mission: is "To Inspire, Teach, Support and Empower People to Transform Their Lives." To bring us together and help make the world a better place. Through love understanding empathy and compassion for each other. And we the people need to stand up for our freedom and do whatever it takes to educate to be con  , Teonanacatl (“The Flesh of the God”)the sacred mushroom) It leads to Enlightenment and are special tools striking perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences including changes of perception such as hallucinations, synesthesia, altered states of awar eness or focused consciousness.To bring us together and help make the world a better place. Through love and understanding, empathy and compassion for each other. We are destroying each other and god has sent us the tools that can save us and we need use these t...


Alexander Shulgin: why I discover psychedelic substances

Alexander Shulgin: why I discover psychedelic substances                              

The famous marble bas-relief from Pharsalos in Thessaly, northeast Greece, now in the collection of the Louvre.

The famous marble bas-relief from Pharsalos in Thessaly, northeast Greece, now in the collection of the Louvre.



Albert Hoffmann's Potion

Albert Hoffmann's Potion
In THE FAR OFF LAND, Eugene Seaich discusses the perennially fascinating topic of such mind-altering drugs as mescaline, psilocybin, and LSD, both how they appear in Nature and in the laboratory. This road has been traveled before, but Eugene takes a fascinating detour. He goes back millennia, glimpses the future, and searches deeply within his own psyche leading to a better understanding of the mind and of consciousness. These chemicals can be used as tools to help people live better  lives, treat, mental illness, transcend ordinary ways of being and ultimitly to improve humanity . The reader might start learning about this "far off land," thinking that is an exotic destination. But after a few chapters, the engrossing prose will become  surprisingly  reminiscent of one's home turf. Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. Co-author DEMYSTIFYING SHAMANS AND THEIR WORLD


It was a vast old religion, greater than anything we know: more starkly and nakedly religious. There is no God, no conception of a god. All is god. But it is not the pantheism we are accustomed to, which expresses itself as “God is everywhere, God is in everything.” In the oldest religion, everything was alive, not super naturally but naturally alive. There were only deeper and deeper streams of l ife, vibrations of life more and more vast. So rocks were alive, but a mountain had a deeper, vaster life than a rock, and it was much harder for a man to bring his spirit, or his energy, into contact with the life of the mountain, and so draw strength from the mountain, as from a great standing well of life, than it was to come into contact with the rock. And he had to put forth a great religious effort. For the whole life effort of man was to get his life into contact with the elemental life of the cosmos, mountain-life, cloud-life, thunder-life, air-life, earth-life, sun-life. To come int...

A consciousness catalyst?

A consciousness catalyst? By  Steven Heivly  in  The Far Off Land An attempt at a philosophical evaluation of the hallucinogenic drug experience. By Dr. Eugene Seaich  ·  Edit doc  ·  Delete Writing, from the top of my head. From an idea .... Is LSD a consciousness catalyst? I think so. How? I do not know... but somehow. I always loved depictions of other worlds in movies, seemingly the heavenly ones (that I think are heavenly) actually turn out to be the dangerous and more hellish worlds, whereas the individual's consciousness is thrust more into a heavenly fight, with abundant meaning, purpose and life. I think of certain movies when I think of this, and in particular, the recent movie Sucker Punch. The girl (holding onto her hope and life) is thrust into an unimaginable situation where (holding onto her hope and life) is inevitably thrust into higher worlds, of which she becomes a powerful fighter and learns very deep knowledg...

The Far-Off Land

Image The Far-Off Land An attempt at a philosophical evaluation of the hallucinogenic drug-experience. 1959 Ich weiss nicht, was soil es bedeuten, Dass ich so traurig bin; Ein Maerchen aus alten Zeiten, Das koramt nir nicht aus dem Sinn.... (I know not the meaning of this melancholy, A legend from long ago Keeps running through my mind....) (German Folksong) ...need I dread from thee harsh judgments,  if the song be loth to quit Those recollected hours that have the charm of visionary things, those lovely forms and sweet sensations that throw back our life, and almost make remotest infancy A visible scene, on which the sun is shinin (Wordsworth, The Prelude) Its runes are pale and fadeAnd after years of suffering Which destroyed so much in us, There will always sound the legend Of a world which once we knew. Its runes are pale and faded, ...