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LSD Experience

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First LSD Study in 40 Years Finds Therapeutic Potential - D-brief |

First LSD Study in 40 Years Finds Therapeutic Potential - D-brief |
Post by Eric Hendrickson . Post by Eric Hendrickson .

LSD : Documentary on Psychedelic Drugs (Full Documentary)


The Mescaline (Peyote Experience)

The Mescaline (Peyote Experience) 11:05: Took 380 mg. Mescaline sulfate in half glass water. 11:20: First signs of effect. Nausea beginning. 11:45: Very marked nausea. Had to lie down to suppress feeling. Great depression and feeling of regret at having taken drug. 12:00: First sign of brightening emotions. Regret passed. 12:10: Can dream vividly with eyes shut. No hallucinations, as yet. Colors in room clear, serene and pure. Harmonious feeling. Nausea subsiding. Erotic dreams. 12:45: Begin to experience slight withdrawal. Colors bright, fresh, vivid. Hunger sensations. Nausea almost completely gone. 12:50: Ate lunch. Hyperreflexia, muscular tension, drunken feeling, almost catatonic state of withdrawal when I retire. 1:00: Very drunk feeling, but sense of reality very little altered. No visual hallucinations, except for reflected extension of colors across lower field of vision. Feeling of warmth and flush, perspiration. 1:15: Gorgeous colors in vision; spar...

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite." William Blake —


Notes Taken during Experiments with Psychotropic Drugs

10:45 AM: Took .330 grams Mescaline Sulfate. 11:20: First very slight signs of visual disturbance. Slight dizziness. Nervousness 11:35: Very slight nausea, as if on board ship. Slight numbness. 12:00 PM: Extremities slightly numb. Mouth dry. Hot feeling. Tongue hard to move freely. 12:20: First brightening of colors? More nausea, but very bearable yet. 12:45: Ate dinner. Ham, potatoes, peas. 1:00: First sense of slight euphoria. Great length of time gone by. 1:05: Stroboscopic-like light fluttering. Slight nausea still apparent. 1:10: “Effects” finally starting. Room moves; center of vision narrowed. Shirt looks green from time to time. Nausea begins to subside. 1:15: Hard to move arms, fingers; hard to write or swallow. Withdrawn feeling. Things far away. Definite effects; begin to not care about nausea, which is still slight. Want to jump out of skin. Strong reflexes. 1:25: Nearly convulse at intensity of pleasurable sensations; erotic feelings. 1:27: Paraesthesias. Euphoria beginni...

LSD Experience

12:40 AM: Took 25 mcg. D-Lysergic acid diethyl amide base in lactose trituration. 1:00: Very faint sense of anxiousness, but no palpable symptoms. Believe symptoms imagined, LSD not working. 2:05: First definite sensation, certainty regarding effectiveness of dose. Feelings (which to now have been imagined) have become real. Colors seem very slightly brighter. 3:00: Height of syndrome. Feeling of physical euphoria very pronounced. Dreamy, withdrawn state, which can easily be broken. Body tense and alert, periphery of vision narrowed. 4:30: Physical feeling still maintained, although psychic effects probably waning. Poetry (T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets) seems to have much more intense meaning. Have been hearing music in mind, but much more palpable than usual “daydreaming”. 4:50: Effects definitely subsiding, though sensations still quite tangible (Have experienced no hallucinations on small dose.) 6:00: Feel quite normal, except for slight numb sensation and a light cold sweat. Took 25 m...

LSD Experience

12:05: Took 50 mcg. Lysergic acid diethyl amide base. 12:25: Transient feelings of cramps in calves; tenseness. 12:35: Muscular weakness 12:40: Withdrawn feeling; nerves alert, muscles tense. Flushed, pleasant sensations in body. 12:50: Warm, euphoric feeling. Jaw and throat muscles tense. 12:55: Dinner 1:05: Intense euphoria; numb, drugged feeling. 1:10: First brightening of lights in periphery of vision. Intense colors. Erotic sensations. 1:20: Listening to French popular singer on tape. She seems to be in room, breathing over my shoulder . 1:45: Intensification of significance. Can look at picture and lend it great depth of reality. Otherwise, life seems suspended in space and time, very neutral, calm. (Almost zero grade of “Affect”). 2:00: In-womb feeling of warmth, calm, pleasantness. Vision narrowed, delicious narcosis. Occasional flickering of light in periphery of vision. Will numbed. 2:07: Somatic symptoms have increased during last half hour. Colors occasionally appear...