LSD Experience
11:10: Took 100 mcg. Lysergic acid diethyl amide. 11:45: First physical effects beginning. 12:00: Feeling of drunkenness. No euphoria as of yet. Slight visual impairment. Colors beginning to be intense; stroboscopic light effects. Rather rapid onset of symptoms. Very slight malaise. 12:05: Flashes of light in periphery of vision. Malaise passing. 12:10: Euphoria setting in. Erotic feelings. Perception altered. Muscular tension, slight movement in field of vision. Withdrawn state beginning. Depth and dimension altered. 12:20: Ate lunch. Colors very distracting on plate. 12:40: All colors very bright as in Kodachrome pictures. Very intense feelings (of symptoms). 1:00: Ceiling patterns flowing like water, stretching back and forth. Listening to Mozart music. Indescribable bliss and ecstasy. Colors of walls exquisite. 1:30: Colors seem slightly less intense. Things suddenly lose interest and novelty . . . but begin again when I lapse into self. 1:45 ***** 2:00: Physical action precipitat...