(96) Psychedelic Review

(96) Psychedelic Review:
By the revelations of psychotropic medicine, leading to a more
fundamental view of human experience than Freudian psychology has
hitherto supplied. The anxiety and rootlessness of modern life will be
seen to be the result of inner barrenness, created by the frustration of
our subconscious needs in a predominantly rational society. Empty

utilitarianism, deprived of poetic faith, forces the sensitive being to
reject reality, since reality is devoid of the emotional appeal that it
formerly enjoyed. Man is a creature whose necessity is to dream;
when the individual, or the race as a whole, is frustrated of its inner
vision, it must suffer as when deprived of material health. Human
beings are nostalgic for the fulfillment of their primordial Life. Their
anxiety is not the result of fear, since modern life is more secure than
ever before, but of the loss of inner destiny, of the devitalization of the
illusions revealed in the yearnings of myth and poetry. Man’s sense of
“otherness” has largely been extinguished, along with the power to
transcend the naked world. But, even if the individual can no longer
look to his old religions for belief, he can be helped to achieve some
kind of existential re-integration with life, by being made aware of his
forgotten resources, by re-examining the validity of material existence
as it appears in the images of his primal memory. Hence, the greatest
problem of mental hygiene is to bring modern consciousness once
again into contact with the older layers of the human psyche. Life
must once more become a ritual encounter with the poetic values of
the far off land; the vast archetypal world beyond the threshold of
waking consciousness must be reawakened and celebrated anew in
the universe about us

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