Turn on Tune In Drop Out

1. The Purpose of Life is Religious Discovery
That intermediate manifestation of the Divine Process which we call the DNA Code has spent the last 
two-billion years making this planet a Garden of Eden. An intricate web has been woven, a delicate 
fabric of chemical-electrical-seed-tissue-organism-species. A dancing joyous harmony of energy
transactions is rooted in the 12 inches of topsoil which covers the rock metal fire core of this planet. 
Into this Garden of Eden each human being is born perfect. We were all born Divine mutants, the 
DNA Code's best answer to joyful survival on this planet. An exquisite package for adaptation based 
on 2 billion years of consumer research (RNA) and product design (DNA). 
But each baby, although born perfect, immediately finds himself in an imperfect, artificial, 
disharmonious social system which systematically robs him of his divinity. 
And the social systems - where did they come from?
Individual societies begin in harmonious adaptation to the environment and, like individuals, quickly
get trapped into non-adaptive, artificial, repetitive sequences. 
When the individual's behaviour and consciousness get hooked to a routine sequence of external 
actions, he is a dead robot, and 
When the individual's behaviour and consciousness get hooked to a routine sequence of external 
actions, he is a dead robot, and 
When the individual's behaviour and consciousness get hooked to a routine sequence of external 
actions, he is a dead robot, and it is time for him to die and be reborn. Time to "Drop-out", "Turnon", and "Tune-in". This period of robotisation is called the Kali Yuga, the Age of Strife and Empire, 
the peak of so called civilisation, the Johnson Administration, etc. This relentless law of Death, Life, 
Change is the rhythm of the galaxies and the seasons; the rhythm of the seed. It never stops. 
2. Drop-out. Turn-on. Tune-in
DROP-OUT - detach yourself from the external social drama which is as dehydrated and ersatz as 
TURN-ON - find a sacrament which returns you to the Temple of God, your own body. Go out of 
your mind. Get high. 
TUNE-IN - be reborn. Drop-back-in to express it. Start a new sequence of behaviour that reflects 
your vision.
But the sequence must continue. You cannot stand still. 
Death. Life. Structure. 
D. L. S. 
D. L. S. D. L. S. D. 
L. S. D. L. S. D. L. 
S. D. L. S. D
Any action that is not a conscious expression of the Dropout-Turn-on-Tune-in-Drop-out rhythm is 
the dead posturing of robot actors on the fake-prop TV studio stage-set that is called American 
Actions which are conscious expressions of the Turn-on, Tune-in, Drop-out rhythm are religious. 
The wise person devotes his life exclusively to the religious search - for therein is found the only
ecstasy, the only meaning. 
Anything else is a competitive quarrel over (or Hollywoodlove sharing of) television studio props. 
3. How to Turn-on
To Turn-on is to detach from the rigid addictive focus on the fake-prop TV studio-set and to refocus 
on the natural energies within the body. 
To Turn-on you go out of your mind and: 
Come to your senses - focus on sensory energies. 
Resurrect your body - focus on somatic energies. 
Drift down cellular memory tracks beyond the body's space/time - focus on cellular energies. 
Decode the genetic code.


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