(96) Psychedelic Review

(96) Psychedelic Review : By the revelations of psychotropic medicine, leading to a more fundamental view of human experience than Freudian psychology has hitherto supplied. The anxiety and rootlessness of modern life will be seen to be the result of inner barrenness, created by the frustration of our subconscious needs in a predominantly rational society. Empty utilitarianism, deprived of poetic faith, forces the sensitive being to reject reality, since reality is devoid of the emotional appeal that it formerly enjoyed. Man is a creature whose necessity is to dream; when the individual, or the race as a whole, is frustrated of its inner vision, it must suffer as when deprived of material health. Human beings are nostalgic for the fulfillment of their primordial Life. Their anxiety is not the result of fear, since modern life is more secure than ever before, but of the loss of inner destiny, of the devitalization of the illusions revealed in the yearnings of myth and poetry. ...