
Showing posts from 2013

10 Surprising Facts About Hallucinogens, Psychedelics and “Magic Mushrooms”

Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena. -Stanislav Grof The BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute, which is located at Promega Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin, recently hosted the 10th Annual International Bioethics Forum titled “Manifesting the Mind”. Several notable speakers gave presentations on a rather unexpected subject matter: the use of hallucinogens such as psilocybin (i.e., magic mushrooms) to better understand the nature of consciousness and to even treat neuropsychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and drug addiction. I was one of the lucky participants that attended this forum. Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine), which is the active ingredient in psychedelic mushrooms, has been in use for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples of the Americas; in fact, the Aztec called these mushrooms teonanacatl, or ”flesh of the gods”. Mescaline...


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JFK’s LSD mistress was assassinated by the CIA ‘because she knew too much about his assassination’

Lovers: President John F. Kennedy had an widely-known affair with socialite divorcee  The suspicious death of one of President John F. Kennedy’s mistresses just months after his death has sparked numerous conspiracy theories. The latest version posits that socialite Mary Pinchot Meyer, a beautiful divorcee who was close friends with the Kennedys and is widely known for having a lengthy affair with the playboy President, was shot in a cover-up operation by the CIA. A new book alleges that, in her preoccupation with her lover’s assassination and ensuing personal investigation, she may have gotten so close to the ‘truth’ that the CIA found her to be a threat. As a result, agency operatives staged a shooting to make it look like she died due to a sexual assault that turned violent. Whether or not the theory is true, there are a number of questionable components to the story of the months leading up to her death on October 12, 1964. Her ex-husband, Cord Meyer, was a CIA agent ...

"The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA"

"The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA" ==================================================== :: I Get High with a Little Help from My Friends... :: As recorded in a report prepared for a congressional committee  investigating the CIA's mind control experiments (171), among  the goals of the MK-ULTLTRA project were to develop: o  "substances which will promote illogical thinking and     impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be     discredited in public" o  "materials to render the induction of hypnosis easier" -     "substances which will produce 'pure' euphoria with no     subsequent let-down" o  "materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia     for events preceding and during their use" o  "substances which alter personality structure in such a way     that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent ...

LSD and Sex

History records few human quests as unremitting or as widespread as the search for a harmless, effective sex stimulant. Recent claims - such as those made by Timothy Leary - that LSD is the greatest aphrodisiac known to man, have excited much interest in the sexual potential of psychedelic drugs. Sober discussion of psychedelic substances was difficult enough before sex entered the picture; now it is close to impossible. But bearing in mind that there is a great deal more to psychedelics than sex, it might clear the air to examine the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide - and several other psychedelic drugs - on human sexual behavior. Along with the comparatively new synthetic psychedelics, including LSD and psilocybin, there are similar mind-altering substances present in many forms of plant life. Some of these have been used for hundreds and even thousands of years. Examples are the peyote cactus, the Cannibis hemp plant, the opium poppy and several varieties of mushrooms and mo...

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Drugs and Sex

History records few human quests as unremitting or as widespread as the search for a harmless, effective sex stimulant. Recent claims - such as those made by Timothy Leary - that LSD is the greatest aphrodisiac known to man, have excited much interest in the sexual potential of psychedelic drugs. Sober discussion of psychedelic substances was difficult enough before sex entered the picture; now it is close to impossible. But bearing in mind that there is a great deal more to psychedelics than sex, it might clear the air to examine the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide - and several other psychedelic drugs - on human sexual behavior.

Broader Insights

The gaining of self-knowledge while under hallucinogenic stimulation is specifically mentioned by the Indians of the Southwest, who feel that guilt is resolved by means of unrelenting self-criticism and visionary awareness of one’s sins. Ellis also refers to a similar state of perceptive introversion: “It was as if I had unexpectedly attained an objective knowledge of my own personality. I saw, as it were, my normal state of being with the eyes of a person who sees the street on coming out of the theatre of broad day