Music harmony of the spheres
Music, of all human arts, is along capable of expressing the ineffible. Man has perceived the Harmony of the Spheres in the ecstasy which the concourse of sounds provokes in his soul. Everything which has been left unsaid is awakened by music, even at which poetry can only hint. But the traditions of music relates to music alone; no shapes in nature determine its character. It may become highly formal, but its habits are its own, and its essence that gave it birth; hence, it has spontaneously existed wherever there hes been emotion to invoke an audible response. Music thus falls "like drops of golden light" (Hesse), or erupts as a "high tree in the ear" (Rilke). Every mood, every inflection of sound, is reflected in visual sensations, the fragile tones in the showers of delicate crystal, the deeper ones in an ooze of creamy opalescence. With mounting sublimity, the inner vision beholds the majestic dance of life, swirling in a boundless rhythm ...